ISO 400 black and white film is a popular choice for capturing human subjects due to its high tolerance and larger grains. Kodak Tri-X 400 has gained a devoted following for its ability to handle push processing, allowing it to be used at ISO 800 or even pushed to ISO 3200. However, Kentmere 400, the film we are discussing today, is best used at its rated ISO 400 and should not be pushed beyond that. Its pricing reflects this recommendation.
Regarding Kentmere’s contrast, the film’s manufacturer remains a mystery, with some speculating it could be Ilford due to their shared UK base. Nonetheless, Ilford’s PAN 400 is considered to be of superior quality compared to Kentmere. Kentmere struggles with low-light situations and tends to produce deep blacks, leading to an overall high contrast look that can make images appear harsh, particularly when shooting with high contrast lenses or in high contrast scenes. Personally, I find it best to avoid using Kentmere in bright noon sunlight.
On the other hand, Kentmere 400 performs exceptionally well for indoor and subway portraits, creating a clean, bright look reminiscent of its white packaging. It appears to have a built-in half-stop yellow filter effect and also handles foggy weather with ease.