Kodak Tri-X 400TX, the legendary black and white film, is included with the Leica 100th Anniversary Limited Edition M100 kit, which comprises of a Leica M-A and a Leica M Monochrom. Known as “the film that can be developed in water,” it is highly regarded in the photography industry and was favored by news reporters and Magnum photographers in the past. Its high dynamic range makes it especially useful for capturing candid and street photography, where there may not be time to adjust aperture and shutter speed.
While it has a wide dynamic range, it does not emphasize high and low lights, but rather has significant mid-tone contrast. This makes it suitable for both low and high contrast lenses. Although it may not be the sharpest film, it is still known for its sharpness.
One disadvantage of Kodak Tri-X 400TX is that its film base tends to curl, which makes it difficult to scan, especially with flatbed scanners like the Epson V series. However, the advantage of this curl is that the emulsion surface shrinks inward, reducing the risk of scratches and damage.
KODAK PROFESSIONAL TRI-X 320 and 400 Films are high-speed panchromatic films that are a good choice for photographing dimly lighted subjects or fast action, for photographing subjects that require good depth of field and fast shutter speeds, and for extending the distance range for flash pictures. more