The Contax G Biogon 21mm f/2.8: A Lens So Wide, It Might Just Swallow Your Soul (And Your Wallet)

Introduction: When “Wide” Isn’t Just a Personality Trait

Let’s get one thing straight: the Contax G Biogon 21mm f/2.8 is the wide-angle wizard of the photography world. It’s sharp, it’s fast, and it’s so wide, you’ll feel like you’re shooting through a fishbowl. Released in the ‘90s as part of the legendary Contax G system, this lens is proof that Germans and Japanese can collaborate on something other than cars and sushi.

Is it perfect? No.
Is it ridiculously good for the price? Absolutely.

Optical Performance: “Sharp Enough to Cut Through Your Ego”


  • Focal Length: 21mm (because 28mm is for cowards).
  • Aperture: f/2.8 (or “how to make your photos look expensive”).
  • Construction: 9 elements in 7 groups (because Zeiss loves showing off).


  • Center: Razor-sharp, even wide open.
  • Edges: Surprisingly crisp for such a wide lens. It’s like Zeiss said, “Let’s make the whole frame usable.”
Continue reading The Contax G Biogon 21mm f/2.8: A Lens So Wide, It Might Just Swallow Your Soul (And Your Wallet)